Trang chủcrackingtools Dork searchr cr7 v2 tháng 11 19, 2021 0 Dork Searcher v3 By CRYP70 Dork searcher cr7 v2 Proxy type = HTTP/S,SOCKS4,SOCK5,And all other proxy use username and password Duplacate Option = 5 Filters Option = 6 Proxy scarpe from api = Yes Anti-Public = Yes Dork analyzer = Yes Dork Extractor From Url = Yes Pause & Resume search proccess = YesNote! If you have dnspy or http debuger etc...working in the background the app won't work close them first then try to run the appcheck the 'LogFile.txt' in application directory for more infoWarnnig! I'm not responsible if you download the tool from any other source and you get infected by virus or trojan RaR Password : @CR7SEARCHERDownload : Link
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